Hair Combing 上头

Product code: 5002509
Male Hair (Dressing) Combing Set
Price: SGD15.90

Product code: 5002409
Female Hair (Dressing) Combing Set
Price: SGD19.90

Hair Combing
The "Hair Dressing" Ritual of the bride and the "Capping" Ritual of the groom symbolized their initiation into adulthood and were important parts of the wedding preparations. Red, symbolic of joy, featured prominently in the clothing and other ritual objects pertaining to the wedding.

At dawn on her wedding day (or the night before), the bride bathed in water infused with pumelo, a variety of grapefruit, to cleanse her of evil influences –; and one suspects as a cosmetic to soften her skin in the manner of contemporary alphahydroxls. She put on new underclothes and sat before lit dragon-and-phoenix candles. A ‘good luck woman’ attended the bridal preparations. She spoke auspicious words while dressing the bride’s hair in the style of a married woman


男方吉祥上头套装: (尖梳、镜、龙凤烛、子孙尺、红头绳、龙凤剪刀、等)
女方吉祥上头套装: (梳、篦、针、线、龙凤烛、龙凤剪刀、镜、红头绳、子孙尺等